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Depression & Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety are usually a result of early life experiences and can come in many mental and physical forms. Uncontrollable thoughts, irrational thoughts, excessive worrying, stress, overthinking, and an overactive mind are all forms of anxiety that often interfere with daily life functioning. Concerns about money, work, plans, relationships, family problems, and health issues are common when having anxiety. Physical forms of anxiety can be headaches, nausea, difficulty breathing, fatigue, trembling, irritability, and insomnia. These symptoms of anxiety can disrupt a person's everyday life, keep them from completing daily functions and participating in activities.


Depression and Anxiety are usually a result of early life experiences and can come in many mental and physical forms. Uncontrollable thoughts, irrational thoughts, excessive worrying, stress, overthinking, and an overactive mind are all forms of anxiety that often interfere with daily life functioning. Concerns about money, work, plans, relationships, family problems, and health issues are common when having anxiety. Physical forms of anxiety can be headaches, nausea, difficulty breathing, fatigue, trembling, irritability, and insomnia. These symptoms of anxiety can disrupt a person's everyday life, keep them from completing daily functions and participating in activities.

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